Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On Facial Hair

Q: Hi Shaman, I just have a really quick question.

I'm one of those guys who are blessed with just the right amount of facial hair. I can grow a mean goatee. Now my problem is, I look good with or without a goatee. Now what should I do to impress, you know, the ladies? Should I grow it, or shave it? Thanks.

A: When it comes to the ladies, it's fifty-fifty. Some women like facial hair, others don't. It depends on the woman.

So, if you want to find out what you should do based on that particular lady, ask her this: "Hi, have you seen the movie Lord of the Rings?" Most likely, she will have seen it, so follow it up by asking: "Legolas, or Aragorn?"

If she chooses Aragorn, then she likes the manly, scruffy type, complete with the dirt on the fingernails. So grow your goatee. And if she chooses Legolas, then lose the facial hair, dude.

You could also use a more contemporary example, like "Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne?" But if she's geeky enough to know Iron Man and Batman, then she definitely knows Aragorn and Legolas.

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